When Does a Car Seat Base Expire?

The shorts answer is that all car seat bases expire. If you want the explanation…

Oh great another date to remember and check plus another cost because the base has to be replaced if you have more kids.


I’m a mother of three and I know how much of an investments are car seats for them. Yet safety is the most important thing on my mind.

Sadly the car seat bases need to be replaced after a while. The good news is that your baby will long outgrow it before that happens. More good news would be that maybe even 2-3 kids can use the same base if they are close together.

Do you want to know why car seat bases expire? Also I will share with you the expiration dates for bases of the most known car seat brands

Let’s get to it!


The car seat expiration date for major brands

  • When do Britax car seat bases expire?
  • Do Graco car seat bases expire?
  • Do car seat bases expire with Chicco?
  • Do Maxi Cosi bases expire?
  • Will Evenflo car seat bases expire?
  • Do car seat bases expire with Uppababy?
  • What is baby trend car seat base expiration?

Why Do Car Seat Bases Expire?

I remember when I was pregnant with my first child, I did a lot of research on car seats. I wanted to make sure that my child would be safe in the event of an accident. As a result, I purchased a car seat that had a base that would expire after a certain number of years. I was shocked when I found out that the base does indeed expire and needs to be replaced.

There are a couple of reasons why car seat bases expire. First of all if you have been in an accident you will have to change your car seat and the base as well.

Car Seat Base Materials aren’t ever lasting

Just think about the wear and tare these bases go through day by day. In best cases the carrier isn’t on it to apply pressure and the bases have to handle the summer heat and the winter cold day after day.

Temperature fluctuations can cause micro tearing or other damage that add up over time.

And I’ve didn’t even mention accidentally dropping them or getting cosmetic damage.

Things happen and after certain years in case of an accident the car seat won’t be able to do its job properly.

Tech Advances and Regulation Changes

Just take a look at the different car seat laws between states and these are changing all the time. No wonder you have to change your car seat because new and better systems are developed to protect your child.

Plus there are new breakthroughs in the tech field as well. I remember back then when I was a child there were no car seats and fast forward today they are mandatory with a good reason.

From no car seat to protective cocoon in just 30 years it’s nothing more than amazing.

This is a perfectly valid reason to change your car seat. Every inch of protection is well worth it in my book.



All car seat bases expire, and there are a few reasons why. Car seat materials aren’t everlasting, and they can be damaged by temperature fluctuations or accidents. Additionally, car seats expire due to advances in technology and regulation changes. If you’ve been in an accident, your car seat base will need to be replaced.

I hope you found this article helpful and informative. Please do share it with other moms or people who need the information. Feel free to leave any comments below if you happen to have questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to use an expired car seat base?

If we look at the law there’s no prohibition against the use of an expired car seat base. However some states require the use as the manufacturer dictates it. In my book it’s a risky option it’s much safer to use non expired car seat base.

What does it mean when a car seat base expires?

Plainly it means that the manufacturer can’t be held accountable in case of an accident. Typically car seat bases expire withing 6-10 years after the manufacture date.

Does Graco car seat base expire?

Yes the Graco car seat base expires and typically it happens in 6-7 years after the date of manufacturing.

How do I know if my car seat is expired?

To know if a car seat is expired you have to check either the white sticker or maybe it’s printed in the plastic shell. You need to search for the DOM (date of manufacturing) and add 6-10 years to it depending on the brand and model.

How long are car seats good for?

Car seats are good for anywhere from a few years all the way up to 10. This comes down to the brand and model. Typically all-in-one and booster seats have a life span of 10 years so you’re getting a lot of mileage out of them.

How to find the expiration date on car seat?

The expiration date on the car seat is either on a white sticker or printed in the plastic shell. For more info on this check out my full post on how to find the expiration date on a car seat.

Where to find expiration date on car seat?

The expiration date on the car seat is located on the seat it self. You need to locate the white sticker or the printing and that’s where you will find the expiration date.

When do Britax car seat bases expire?

Britax bases expire in 6 years after the date of manufacturing.

Do Graco car seat bases expire?

Yes Graco bases expire as well. You can use it 6-7 years after the date of manufacturing. On certain models you’re getting 7 years of mileage.

Do car seat bases expire with Chicco?

Yes Chicco bases expire as well. Typically you have to change the car seat base every 6 years depending on the model you’ve got.

Do Maxi Cosi bases expire?

Maxi Cosi recommends changing the car seat base every 10 years This means that the expiration date for them is 10 years.

Will Evenflo car seat bases expire?

Yes, Evenflo bases will expire and this date is 6 years from the manufacturing date.

Do car seat bases expire with Uppababy?

Yes, Uppababy bases expire and according to the manufacturer you can safely use it for 7 years.

What is Baby Trend car seat base expiration?

The expiration date for Baby Trend bases is set to 6 years after the date of manufacture.

Why are car seat expiration dates important for infant car seats?

As a parent, it’s important to know that car seat expiration dates exist for a reason. Over time, materials and safety features can degrade and become outdated. Car seat manufacturers set expiration dates to ensure that their seats meet the most current safety regulations and that your child is as safe as possible in the event of an accident.

Can I use an old infant car seat base with a new infant’s car seat?

As a parent, I wouldn’t recommend using an old infant car seat base with a new infant’s car seat. Most car seat manufacturers design their seats and bases to work together as a system, so using an old base with a new seat could compromise the safety of your child. It’s always best to invest in a new, up-to-date car seat and base.

What should I do if my child’s car seat has expired?

If your child’s car seat has expired, it’s crucial to replace it as soon as possible. Most car seat bases have expiration dates of around 6-10 years after the date of manufacture, and using an expired seat can put your child at risk in the event of an accident. It’s important to check the expiration date of your car seat and replace it if it has expired.

Can I use replacement parts on my used car seat?

As a parent, I would not recommend using replacement parts on a used car seat. Safety features can deteriorate over time, and using replacement parts on an old seat may not guarantee the safety of your child. It’s best to invest in a new car seat.

What is the importance of the latch system in an infant car seat?

The latch system, also known as the Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (LATCH), is crucial for ensuring that your infant car seat is properly secured in your vehicle. The LATCH system helps to prevent the seat from moving during a crash, keeping your child as safe as possible.

Are there any safety regulations that car seat manufacturers must follow?

Yes, car seat manufacturers must abide by safety regulations set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to ensure that their seats meet the necessary safety standards for children.

What should I look for when purchasing a new car seat?

When purchasing a new car seat, it’s important to look for safety features such as a sturdy frame, a secure latch system, and a snug fit for your child. Additionally, make sure to check the expiration date and ensure that the seat meets current safety regulations.

How can I ensure that my child’s car seat is properly installed? To ensure that your child’s car seat is properly installed, it’s important to follow the instructions provided by the car seat manufacturer. This may include using the vehicle’s seat belt or the LATCH system to secure the seat, and making sure that the seat is at the correct angle for your child’s age and weight. Additionally, make sure the seat is tight enough that it doesn’t move more than one inch side-to-side or front-to-back.

Last Updated on October 17, 2023 by Brian Beasley

Written by Linda Reid

Hey there, I'm Linda, a mom of three cool kids. I've tried so many car seats, you could call me a "Car Seat Detective." Searching for the perfect car seat can feel like finding a needle in a haystack, but don't worry! I've committed to researching and reviewing car seats that are super safe, cozy, and great for growing kids. Together, we'll find the perfect car seat that keeps your child safe and cozy, and makes you feel like a super-parent!